Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bleeding ears

I was reading the New York Times editorials yesterday and saw an interesting section where readers wrote in with what they wanted to hear the Democratic presidential hopefuls say (as opposed to the current vitriol being spewed).

I especially liked the advice from George Waldstein to Obama's speech writers:

“My fellow Americans: I hope to become the Democratic nominee in this election. But if Senator Clinton becomes the nominee, I will enthusiastically support her, and she will be an excellent president and will undo the wide damage caused by the Bush administration and its chief enabler, John McCain..."

Apparently, Obama's been reading the NYT, too. Here's what he told CNN after his Mississippi victory:

"I've been careful to say that I think Senator Clinton is a capable person and that should she win the nomination, obviously, I would support her. I'm not sure we've been getting that same approach from the Clinton campaign."

Ok, so a little extra snark in there for good measure, but it's better than sicking famous campaign staffers with racial innuendos on one's opponent.

Former vice presidential candidate and Clinton consultant Geraldine Ferraro says Obama's victory is unfair:

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she continued. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Yeah. I'm sure we can all agree being a black man in America means you got it easy. Not that being a woman in America is any easier, but whining about it will get us nowhere. That's how feminism became a dirty word, remember?

Instead of chastising Ferraro, Clinton stood behind her.

Maybe Clinton should be reading the NYT. Or at least listening to what Americans want to hear.

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